Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sharing Spaces

Little R has been the proud owner of a big girl bed for a couple of weeks now. She loves it! We didn't have any problem transitioning her from her previous "bed" (the couch) to the new one. Notice the walls. Yep, she's in Little G's room... now their shared room. That change was made by necessity for the moment. We had an energy audit the week of Thanksgiving and found we have little, and in some areas, no insulation on the second floor. After talking out our options, we figured that the best solution would be room sharing until we can save up enough to properly insulate upstairs. So, as of this moment, we have baby K (due to arrive in less than three weeks) in our room and Little R and Little G in their shared room. Although it may be many months before the girls' mermaid room and little G's big boy room are realized, it is all working out for the time being.

Her first night in her big girl bed. (So cute!)

1 comment:

  1. I have been told that in some cases you can get a reimbursement from the government if you get your house insulated. I know you would have to come up with the money up front, but then they pay you back for the whole thing. It is the governments way of encouraging us all to become more energy efficient. You may want to look into that.
