Friday, February 25, 2011

Birth Daze

The new year has brought lots to celebrate about. Birthday celebrations! Things have been pretty busy around here as of late. It began with both of my parents. My dad had his 50th on January 18, my mom's 47th on the 19th. My cute baby niece had her first birthday on January 24th. We welcomed our little Baby K into the world in January as well. I was hoping to go into labor and have a vbac but just like her siblings Baby K was born via cesarean section January 27th.

February has been equally exciting. My mother-in-law's birthday was February 4th. Last week was another birthday. Our little G turned 2! He had a wonderful Star Wars themed party at the Grand Rapids Children's Museum. Very fun!

What does this all mean for Bran and I? ...We are now the very busy (birthday celebrating) parents of three kids, three and under!

1 comment:

  1. There's been some sadness mixed in there too, but lucky for us, Kiera's birth and the happy birthday celebrations have made the hurts easier to bear. :)
