Thursday, October 28, 2010

We Have A Love-Hate Relationship

My husband and I, that is. We've been married now for nearly four and a half years and we've come to a point in our marriage where no compromises can be made. As sad as it is for me to say, he disagrees with some recent choices I've made and will not back down.

What is it that makes up this wall of separation... pillows! Big, puffy, yellow rose pillows (only one pictured). Normally, I make all of the decor decisions for the home but a recent purchase has my husband, who normally is amenable regarding such things, completely noncompliant. I think they're awesome. Bran thinks they're awful.  I think they looked great with the blue ruffle pillow (a previous purchase). Bran, not so much.

I even showed him the photo of this beautiful rug combo by FLOR but still no budging. In fact, he hated the rug too.

I guess we can't/won't always agree on everything. I appreciate his honesty though.


  1. I think you have excellent taste! I love the pillows and the FLOR tiles!

  2. I actually LIKE them...and you KNOW how I feel about yellow....:P
