Friday, March 5, 2010

My Babies Are Growing Up

Baby G turned a whole year old back in the middle of February. Bran and I spent months (no, I'm not kidding, literally MONTHS) planning for the biggest, baddest, most awesome first Star Wars birthday party the kid could hope for. Well, how did the party turn out, you ask? This is the where I drop my head in shame and tell you. It didn't. Bran had even taken the day off for the party. Unfortunately,  Little R was really sick that day so we thought we'd better cancel until the following week. More misfortune came our way, we all got sick. We are now on our third week of being sick and have given up on the big party idea.

On a happier note, we did spend the day together at home. It was actually quite pleasant despite the sickness. Baby G opened his present from Mommy and Daddy. He is now the proud owner for his very own light saber. We had fun watching the kids have light saber battles in the mini-jedi robes I had made for the party. I can hardly believe my little man is already a year old. I am so grateful to have him in my life. What a blessing.

We did have a very wonderful development come out of our sick-cation. Our Little R decided she was done with diapers, COMPLETELY! She can even go through the night accident-free! We're very proud of her accomplishment.

I'm pretty sure she'll hate me for this some day.

Baby G has also taken interest in being potty trained. I guess it's never to early to start.

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